How to use the Microsoft Excel WEBSERVICE function to retrieve weather data

The Microsoft Excel WEBSERVICE function retrieves data from a URL into a single cell within an Excel worksheet. In this article we describe how to use WEBSERVICE to retrieve weather forecast and historical weather data directly into Excel without the need for macros or scripts. However, is it always the best way to work with …

How to import weather data into Microsoft SQL Server

When you want to drive data analysis of all types including data science and business intelligence applications, loading weather data into a relational databased is often the first step. As one of the most popular database platforms in the world, Microsoft SQL Server is the backend datastore for millions of applications from homebrew to enterprise. …

Understanding the “fair use” system in Visual Crossing Weather

Visual Crossing Weather is the most powerful and cost effective way to obtain weather data for your data analysis project, weather app, or virtually any other weather use case. We pride ourselves in providing the highest-quality weather data at the most affordable prices. In order to protect our user community from runaway scripts, malicious abusers, …

Where can you find high quality Historical Weather Data at a low cost?

Finding weather data on the internet is easy. While finding historical weather data is a little more difficult, there are various places to find data including free consumer sites, government data feeds, and commercial services and APIs. However, the easiest data sources to find tend to be the hardest to use and the least complete. …

Where can I find historical heat index and wind chill data?

Historical heat index and wind chill data are very important “feels like” weather measures for use in measuring the comfort level of people and animals outdoors. Whether you are using these metrics to plan events, predict attendance levels, or plan heating and cooling for large groups or your personal outdoor activities, a weather data service …