How to manage Visual Crossing Weather Data Subscriptions

You may cancel your subscription to Visual Crossing Weather Data at any time through the Visual Crossing Weather Data Services page. When cancelling your subscription, your current plan will be available until the end of the current subscription period. You may restart your subscription or change plans at any time. How to change your plan …

How to download the weather forecast for all US ZIP Codes

US ZIP Codes act like postal codes in other countries – they provide an easy and structured way to locate an address within a city and state. They are easy to remember and provide a reasonably precise geographical location. This makes them valuable for businesses and other organizations that want to collect information about their …

Adding and Removing Elements from your Weather Query

The ability to add or remove elements from weather data or columns is incredibly useful in various scenarios. By using this capability, researchers, meteorologists, and data analysts can streamline their data sets for optimum performance and focus solely on the relevant information for their specific research or analysis. Removing unnecessary weather elements that do not …

What is the difference between rain, sleet, snow and ice precipitation types?

The weather data returned by the Visual Crossing Weather API and Data Query Builder includes both the amount of precipitation and also the type of precipitation that occurred or is forecast to occur. In this article, we discuss the exact difference between the possible precipitation types that you may encounter. Where to find the precipitation …

How to retrieve the Visual Crossing API Query String when using the Web Query Builder interface

For trouble shooting purposes it is often helpful and sometimes needed to have the exact query string at hand, which is send to Visual Crossing when using the Graphical User Interface of the Web Query Builder. This helps, amongst others, with identifying connectivity problems or interface compatibilities. Moreover it is needed by our data quality …

How to query weather forecasts from the past – Historical Forecasts

Analyzing historical weather forecast data is an important facet for many weather data users beyond standard forecasts and historical observations. Historical forecasts are often more important for business analysis than traditional historical observation data because customers in many cases base their decisions on future forecast and not the actual weather on a given day. Consider …

Modifying the weather station search parameters

The Weather Data Downloads and Weather API retrieves historical weather data from ground based weather stations, in addition to remote dat The Weather Data Downloads and Weather API retrieves historical weather data from ground based weather stations, in addition to remote data such as satellite and radar. Where possible, we bias the results towards the …

Weather Alerts

In addition to basic weather forecast information, we also support retrieving weather alerts for many locations. Weather alerts are alerts, warnings and other high priority information issued by local weather organizations that indicate severe weather or other weather conditions of note that the population should take action on or be aware of. Weather alerts are …

Weather Data Documentation

The Visual Crossing Weather Data platform provides the ability to easily access weather data sets including weather forecast data, weather history data and historical weather summary data. The data is available for download through the Weather Data Query Page and the Timeline Weather API. Core weather columns These columns are common to most weather data sets unless disabled. …