What forecast weather measures are available?

When you are exploring forecast weather data for business and personal use, it is important to know what weather measures are available. In this article we’ll provide a overview of the available weather metrics (also known as weather variables and weather parameters) grouped by theme. In addition, we’ll supply links to more detailed information where …

Certificate error running Weather API requests

If you are getting an expired certificate error running Visual Crossing Weather API queries, this article will explain the likely cause and how to fix it. The problem On September 30, 2021, an old version of the Let’s Encrypt “intermediate” certificate expired. While our servers have been delivering the updated version of this certificate for …

Using remote data sources in the Weather API

The Visual Crossing Weather API provides access to both historical and future, forecasted weather data. Wherever possible, we use official, physical weather station observations to provide the historical weather data. This ensures that the observations are of the highest quality. However in some cases, such as remote locations away from official weather stations or stations …

How to debug problems when running weather API queries in code

This article provides suggestions on how to troubleshoot and resolve some of the common problems we see people when people attempt to run weather API queries in code. The suggestions are listed in order that you should use to troubleshoot any problems. Does the query run in a browser? If your Weather API query doesn’t …

How to find weather data using NLP (Natural Language Processing)

Natural Language Processing (NLP) is an artificial intelligence process used to by computer systems to find the meaning of text content. This allows the human users to ask questions using sentences written in a natural way using normal sentences. Successful NLP systems will allow users to ask questions in different ways and still be able …

How to load weather data in Swift

Swift is the key development language on Apple platforms replacing the older Objective-C as the goto language for Apple’s desktop and mobile platforms. Given its importance especially on mobile platforms, it is natural that Swift developers would want to load weather data into their applications. Luckily, frameworks available in Swift’s make it easy to compose …

Academic, student and research discounts for weather data

At Visual Crossing, we are proud to be a trusted source of weather data to the academic and research communities. To help support students and members of the research community obtain accurate weather information, we offer our Academic plan to individuals who need historical weather data and weather forecast data. I’m a student, how do …