Articles for "weather history"

Where can I find historical precipitation data?

Historical precipitation data is an important weather measure that is very useful for many types of personal analyses and business use cases. Whether you are looking for precipitation data to plan a trip, schedule a conference, or optimize agriculture, a weather data service such as Visual Crossing Weather can provide precipitation data easily using global …

Where can I find historical temperature data?

Historical temperature data is one of the most requested weather measures. Whether you are looking for temperature trends for your neighborhood, seasonal temperature changes to manage an outdoor business, or the exact temperature at the time and date of a specific event, a weather data service such as Visual Crossing Weather can provide temperature data …

Comparing the Visual Crossing Pricing Options to Dark Sky

As you already know, Dark Sky has announced that it is ending its popular weather query API service soon. We’ve already written multiple articles explaining the benefits and details of converting your app or webpage to the Visual Crossing Weather API. In this article, we will compare the pricing models of the two services. Specifically, …

How to include sunrise, sunset, moon phase, moonrise and moonset data into your API requests

In addition to providing historical weather observations and weather forecast data, the Weather API also provides astronomical information. This astronomical information includes sunset, sunrise and moon phase data. Why is astronomical information useful? Sunset, sunrise and moon information goes hand-in-hand with weather data in many use cases. The information can help answer some basic questions: …