Articles for "weather history"

Automate recent weather history data retrieval using Microsoft Power Query

In our previous articles about integrating Weather History data into Power BI and Microsoft Excel, we have used the Visual Crossing Weather API to retrieve historical weather data. In this article we discuss how to make those weather data queries automatically read the latest weather conditions using Microsoft Power Query. If you would like to …

How to Build an Artificially Intelligent Chatbot using the Microsoft Bot Framework and the Visual Crossing Weather API

            This article will describe how to integrate the Microsoft Bot Framework with a weather API that enables the development of smart, responsive bots that can deliver real-time weather updates. This guide will take you through the process of setting up your bot using conversational language understanding (CLU), integrating it with a weather API, and …

How can I load weather forecast data into Google Sheets?

Tracking future weather conditions is key to create workflows and stay informed for weather-centric workplaces, helping with planning activities in a cost effective yet powerful way. Timely API calls will give you weather forecast details much faster and more efficiently than ever before, providing the granular data you need to make informed decisions. When creating …

How to use Python and Pandas to join historical weather data to road accident data

I am currently investigating the relationship between weather conditions and accidents by using a dataset of road accidents in Fairfax County, Virginia obtained from the Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles. The first step to perform the analysis is to combine the accident data with the historical weather conditions. In this article, we will discuss how …

Timeline Weather API

The Timeline Weather API is the simplest and most powerful way to retrieve weather data. You can request data over any time window including windows that span the past, present, and future. The API will take care of the combining historical observations, current 15-day forecasts, and statistical weather forecasts to create a single, consolidated dataset …