Where can I find historical temperature data?

Historical temperature data is one of the most requested weather measures. Whether you are looking for temperature trends for your neighborhood, seasonal temperature changes to manage an outdoor business, or the exact temperature at the time and date of a specific event, a weather data service such as Visual Crossing Weather can provide temperature data …

Understanding and optimizing the Visual Crossing Weather Pay-as-you-go plan

The Visual Crossing Weather Pay-as-you-go plan (also known as the Metered plan) is one of the easiest-to-use and the most cost-effective weather data plans available today. It is designed to meet the needs of many different types of weather data users and also be a great way for new users to get started using weather …

How are weather metrics calculated over various time periods in different weather queries?

While it may seem like an easily-answered question, sometimes it is not completely obvious what exact time periods are covered by a given weather query and how the weather metrics are calculated. The fact is that the traditional standards and customs of weather reporting make up a standard that although logical may not always appear …

How to I properly cite or attribute the weather data in my project to Visual Crossing Weather?

First things first, thank you for choosing Visual Crossing Weather as the weather data provider for your project. We’re glad that you found the weather data that you need with us. Now that your project is ready for a big reveal, you need to know how to properly attribute Visual Crossing Weather as the source …