Using the Timeline Weather API with multiple locations in the same request

The Timeline Weather API permits a single location for each API request. In some situations, it is convenient to submit multiple locations in the same request rather than as separate API calls. This article describes how to use the Multiple Timeline Weather API endpoint to request weather data for multiple locations in the same call. …

What is the difference between rain, sleet, snow and ice precipitation types?

The weather data returned by the Visual Crossing Weather API and Data Query Builder includes both the amount of precipitation and also the type of precipitation that occurred or is forecast to occur. In this article, we discuss the exact difference between the possible precipitation types that you may encounter. Where to find the precipitation …

Beaufort And Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Wind Scale – A Quick Glance

The Beaufort Wind Scale The Beaufort Wind Scale is a scale that measures the wind speed on land and sea. It observed the effects caused by the natural flow of wind coming from any direction in our atmosphere. The table of the Beaufort Wind Scale consists of the wind speed in kilometers per hour, miles …

What To Expect In An El Niño Winter

For the first time in a several years, this winter will experience the El Niño phenomenon’s significant influence on the season’s coldest months. The El Niño Southern Oscillation comprises three distinct phases, the most well-known of which is El Niño, which affects the equatorial Pacific Ocean’s water temperature and whose impacts can be felt worldwide. …

Ophelia Storm 2023 Update

On Thursday, September 21st, an area of low pressure began to form and gain organization along the Southeastern US coastline. This low-pressure system gradually deepened and developed more tropical characteristics, officially earning the designation of the 15th named storm of the 2023 Atlantic Hurricane Season on Friday, September 22nd.  Ophelia strengthened into a robust tropical …

8 catastrophic floods in 11 days around the world

Researchers suggest that climate change probably influences rainfall and flooding, although pinpointing the exact nature of this connection can pose challenges. It is widely acknowledged that climate change can lead to more intense and frequent extreme weather events, such as hurricanes and heavy rainfall. Intense rainfall events have been hitting different regions of the world …

How to retrieve the Visual Crossing API Query String when using the Web Query Builder interface

For trouble shooting purposes it is often helpful and sometimes needed to have the exact query string at hand, which is send to Visual Crossing when using the Graphical User Interface of the Web Query Builder. This helps, amongst others, with identifying connectivity problems or interface compatibilities. Moreover it is needed by our data quality …