In what environments can I run weather API queries?

All types of development environments need access to weather data. From command-line tasks such as database ETL, to scripts that drive websites and priority alerts, to mobile apps and complex business applications, weather data drives insight, decisions, and revenue. A good weather API is flexible enough to span all of these use cases, bringing a …

How to integrate weather data for postal codes in The Business Cloud of DOMO.

Especially in solutions that combine data analysis and visualization with collaboration and planning weather is a valuable asset to identify business dependencies as well as adjusting planning and organizing day to day work-schedules. This tutorial shows the necessary steps to load weather aggregated to postal code or other geographical entities. Please see our YouTube Channel …

How to add Weather Data to your MicroStrategy project

There are several options available to add historical weather data sets as well as weather forecast or typical weather. Directly from a Visual Crossing Map as a layer, as dynamic cube or directly into your RDBMS data warehouse. This tutorial provides step by step instructions for the first two options. For the direct load into …

How to add weather data to a Node.js app using a Weather API and JavaScript

In this article we are going to create a simple web app that displays weather data using the Visual Crossing Timeline Weather API. The output will be a simple HTML page that displays daily and hourly weather history data or weather forecast data (or even beyond) in a table. To download the source code for …

How to create a Raspberry PI frost alert using a weather api

In this tutorial we will create a simple frost alert using a Raspberry PI and the Visual Crossing Timeline Weather API. The aim of the simple circuit is to use colored LED lights to inform the user if frost or low temperatures are expected. A red light indicates below freezing temperatures are expected, yellow light …

Comparing the Visual Crossing Pricing Options to Dark Sky

As you already know, Dark Sky has announced that it is ending its popular weather query API service soon. We’ve already written multiple articles explaining the benefits and details of converting your app or webpage to the Visual Crossing Weather API. In this article, we will compare the pricing models of the two services. Specifically, …

How to load weather data into Information Builders ibi WebFOCUS using the REST API

This article shows the necessary steps to quickly and easily load weather forecast data for any location of the world into the cloud solution ‘Information Builders ibi WebFOCUS’ for further analysis.  The tutorial shows step-by-step how to construct the query in the Visual Crossing Weather web interface, how to access the automatically generated connection string …