Weather Data Conditions

The Weather APIs include a ‘conditions’ field which represents a summary of the key weather features for a particular weather record (be it daily, hourly or subhourly record). How is the condition field calculated? The weather conditions field is created by examining the weather that will be or was experienced during that weather record. If …

Severe Convection Weather in the Midwest United States

Severe Convection Weather in the Midwest

Convective storms, and their products, thunder, lightning, heavy rains, hail, and tornadoes cause up to $17 billion dollars of damage each year in the United States. The factors influencing this figure include damage to property, deaths and injuries sustained. In addition, these storms cause disruption in farming and industrial activities. With the frequency of severe …

Does weather affect the results of the London Marathon?

Does weather affect the results of the London Marathon?

Every year runners descend on London, England for the annual London Marathon. Can weather change the race? In this blog we investigate whether London Marathon finishing times vary with the weather. Were previous marathons affected by weather? First, let’s take a look at the previous results and if they were affected by weather. Here I …

How to replace the Dark Sky API using the Visual Crossing Weather API

With the Dark Sky API shutting down in a few months, now is the ideal time to convert your weather application to use a more stable provider. The Visual Crossing Timeline Weather API provides the direct replacement that you need to minimize your conversion effort and ensure that you data costs remain stable. Both the …

How can I load historical weather data into Microsoft Power BI?

In this article, I’m going to show you how to easily load historical weather data for any worldwide location into Microsoft Power BI for further analysis.  We’ll walk through the process step-by-step showing you how to construct the query in Visual Crossing Weather web interface and then use the query URL to import the weather …