What is a Weather API?

A weather API is an Application Programming Interface that allows weather data to be queried from scripts and code. Good weather APIs provide both historical weather data and forecast data via an easy-to-use, well-defined programming interface. The best APIs have dozens of weather measures, near-real-time current conditions reporting, and decades of worldwide historical weather reports. …

Agriculture elements in the Timeline Weather API

The Timeline Weather API includes elements that are designed for use by the agricultural, farming and horticultural industries. These elements are designed to providing weather data that influence those who grow plants or raise livestock. The elements on this page are available only to certain subscription levels. For more information, please see our pricing page. …

Date and Times in the Weather API

The Weather API uses a set of standards to include date time information. This article describes the standards used. Date formats in the Weather API Visual Crossing uses ISO 8601 based date formats for both date and times. Dates are formatted according to YYYY-MM-DD format (2022-06-15 for June 15th 2022). Times are formatted according to HH:mm:ss. The hours are specified in …

How to load weather data into a Juypter Notebook

This article describes how to create a new Jupyter notebook that retrieves weather data from the Visual Crossing Weather API. The example uses Python as development language but you can choose any language that Jupyter supports including C++ and R. JupyterLab is used to create the notebook. JupyterLab is a web-based interactive development environment for …

Weather Data Documentation

The Visual Crossing Weather Data platform provides the ability to easily access weather data sets including weather forecast data, weather history data and historical weather summary data. The data is available for download through the Weather Data Query Page and the Timeline Weather API. Core weather columns These columns are common to most weather data sets unless disabled. …

Using the time period parameter to specify dynamic dates for Weather API requests

Often when requesting weather data via the weather API we wish to request data for a fixed period based on the current data. For example, request the data for yesterday, today or the next seven days. The time period parameter of the weather API allows you to easily request data for dynamic time periods. Example …

How to find historical weather for maritime, sea and ocean locations

Maritime weather data covering many of the world’s oceans and seas is available in Visual Crossing Weather Data Services for viewing, downloading and accessing via the Weather API. This article discusses the available data and the weather elements unique to maritime data. Available maritime weather data Maritime weather data in Visual Crossing Weather is sourced …

What is the difference between temperature, heat index, wind chill, feels like temperature, apparent temperature and RealFeel Temperature?

When watching a typical weather forecast, the TV meteorologist will often refer types of temperatures. In addition to simply stating the temperature, they will refer to other metrics such as the heat index, wind chill, feels like or RealFeel temperature. What is the difference between these values and why do we have them? Why make …