Articles for "database"

How to load historical weather data into any database

Many business intelligence, data science, and academic research projects need high quality historical weather data to be available in a database. Weather data is typically quite large in volume, and its analysis often requires processing thousands or even millions of detailed records in order to find valuable patterns and apply them to the task at …

How to Import Weather Forecast Data and Historical Weather Data into a MySQL Database

In this article, we are going to import weather data into a MySQL database. In addition to setting up the database tables, we will demonstrate techniques to import both historical weather data and weather forecast data. We will include the ways to retrieve the weather data and how to set up a script so the …

Announcing Real-Time Historical Weather Data Using the MADIS Observational Weather Database

Announcing Real-Time Historical Weather Data Using the MADIS Observational Weather Database

We are pleased to announce that the Visual Crossing Weather History Database now includes real-time weather observations. You can now get up-to-the-minute weather history data including temperature, rainfall, wind, humidity and heat index if you are using the Weather API, downloading historical weather data or using reports and dashboards. MADIS observation weather database The MADIS data feed is the primary source …

How We Process the NOAA Integrated Surface Database Historical Weather Data

How We Process the NOAA Integrated Surface Database Historical Weather Data

We use a lot of sources for our weather data. One of the richest sources of historical weather data is the Integrated Surface Database (ISD) from NOAA. The amount of data available is impressive. Hourly or sub-hourly weather records for 1000s of weather stations that are, in some cases, over 100 years old. However obtaining and manipulating …

How to download the weather forecast for all US ZIP Codes

US ZIP Codes act like postal codes in other countries – they provide an easy and structured way to locate an address within a city and state. They are easy to remember and provide a reasonably precise geographical location. This makes them valuable for businesses and other organizations that want to collect information about their …

Timeline Weather API

The Timeline Weather API is the simplest and most powerful way to retrieve weather data. You can request data over any time window including windows that span the past, present, and future. The API will take care of the combining historical observations, current 15-day forecasts, and statistical weather forecasts to create a single, consolidated dataset …

How to load weather data using Google’s Go language

Google Go, also referred to as Golang, is an open-source programming language developed by Google.  Launched in 2009, Go was designed with a focus on simplicity, efficiency, and readability.  It especially excels in building networked and distributed systems and is particularly known for its fast compilation speed.  With a growing community and support from major …

Using the Timeline Weather API with multiple locations in the same request

The Timeline Weather API permits a single location for each API request. In some situations, it is convenient to submit multiple locations in the same request rather than as separate API calls. This article describes how to use the Multiple Timeline Weather API endpoint to request weather data for multiple locations in the same call. …